Catalogue Seeds Of Cereal Crops Winter spelt Zoria Ukrainy

Zoria Ukrainy

Zoria Ukrainy

Price (UAH/ton)


It is high-protein variety, suitable for extensive type of organic farming. It has high yield by using intensive technology of planting.

Main characteristics
Hybrid type Tr. Spelta L.
Type of cultivation winter
Ripeness group late -ripe
Morphological and agriculture characteristics
Plant height 110-120 cm
Tillering rate 1,2
Number of grain in ear 48 items
Density of the ear not compact
length of the ear 16 cm
1000 grain weight 40-42 g
1000 scoured grain weight 43,5 - 45,0 g
1000 non scoured grain weight 67,0 - 69,1 g
Potential yield 62 cwt/ha
Average yield for the years of testing 55 cwt/ha
Protein content 18-22 %
Crude gluten 48-49 %
Crude protein 23-26 %
Nature of the grain 650 g/l
Resistance to diseases and stress factors
Root rot tolerant
Brown rust resistant
Septorosis tolerant
Powdery mildew resistant
Yellow mottling tolerant
Ear fusariosis tolerant
Fusarium nivale resistant
Drought high
Lodging not lodging
Abscission high
Winter hardiness 8,2-8,7
Planting recommendations
Planting (thousand plants / ha) 5-5,5 million seeds/ha
Recommended cultivation area Forest steppe, marshy woodlands, steppe