Catalogue Vegetable seeds Sweetcorn Bagration F1

Bagration F1

Bagration F1

Features of the hybrid

It is a hybrid of sweet corn of the super-sweet sh-2 type. A mid-season, now super-sweet, versatile table hybrid suitable for the fresh market as well as for canning and freezing.


It is ideal for processing. The grains do not lose color, juiciness, sugar content and taste.

Spatial isolation

From corn and sweet corn (su-, se-types) more than 300m

Main characteristics
Hybrid type simple, sh-2
Ripeness group medium ripe
Vegetation periods, days 80-82
Using direction Fresh market (consumption), freezing, canning
Morphological and agriculture characteristics
Sugar content 22%
Length of ear 23-25 cm
Diameter of ear 4,6 cm
Shape of ear cone-cylindrical
Color of grains yellow
Grain type super sweet
Depth of grains 9 mm
Numbers of ears per plant 2
Resistance to diseases and stress factors
Corn Smut (Ustilago maydis) 9
Helminthosporium 9
Fusarium 9
Recommended density on harvesting time
Woodland (thousand plants / ha) 65-70
Forest-steppe (thousand plants / ha) 60-65
Steppe (thousand plants / ha) 55-60
Yield structure
Grain rows number 12-14
Number of grains per row 40-45
Total number of grains per ear 559