Catalogue Seeds Of Cereal Crops Spring barley Patrytsii



Price (UAH/ton)


The variety designed for brewing directly, diversity of nutans. It is characteristic by high ecological plastic and adaptive capacity. It is characteristic by high drought resistance and heat resistance.

Main characteristics
Ripeness group middle-ripe
Morphological and agriculture characteristics
Plant height 70-75 cm
Tillering rate 2-2,5
Number of grain in ear 26 items
length of the ear till 14 cm
1000 grain weight 48-56 g
Potential yield 84 cwt/ha
Average yield for the years of testing 61 cwt/ha
Extractive substances 78-80 %
Protein content 9-11 %
Scarious 8-9 %
Nature of the grain 720 g/l
Resistance to diseases and stress factors
Barley yellow mosaic virus resistant
Helminthosporium 8
Brown rust tolerant
Septorosis tolerant
Head smut 9
Drought high
Lodging resistant
Abscission high
Recommended density on harvesting time
Planting recommendations
Planting (thousand plants / ha) 4,0-5,5 million seeds/ha
Recommended cultivation area Forest steppe, marshy woodlands, steppe
Yield structure
Standing density of plants before harvesting for grain